Episode 175

Fuel Trims [E175]

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  • Fuel trims are a common topic in professional forums, classes, and diagnostics, often leading to bold diagnostic decisions.
  • Matt shares his experience of quickly diagnosing vehicle issues using fuel trims, even before leaving the parking lot.

Key Challenges in Discussing Fuel Trims:

  • The more you learn about fuel trims, the more nuanced and complex the topic becomes.
  • It’s difficult to generalize fuel trim behavior across all vehicles, as each system has unique characteristics.
  • Fuel trims are just one piece of data that must be factored into a broader diagnostic process.

What Are Fuel Trims?

  • Definition: Fuel trims are adjustments made to the base fuel schedule by the engine control unit (ECU).
  • Matt credits Matt Ragsdale on iATN for one of the best explanations he’s seen.

Two Primary Fuel Systems:

  1. Speed Density Systems:
  • Relies on the Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor and engine RPM as primary inputs.
  • Engine control algorithms tend to be more complex.
  1. Mass Airflow (MAF) Systems:
  • Uses the Mass Airflow Sensor (MAF) and crank sensor (RPM) as primary inputs.
  • Simpler in design compared to speed density systems.
  • Modern systems often blend elements of both speed density and MAF systems.

Closing Thoughts:

  • Matt emphasizes the importance of understanding the nuances of fuel trims and how they vary across different vehicle systems.
  • He plans to dive deeper into the topic in future episodes, providing more detailed insights and practical examples.

The Aftermarket Radio Network: https://aftermarketradionetwork.com/

Remarkable Results Radio Podcast with Carm Capriotto: Advancing the Aftermarket by Facilitating Wisdom Through Story Telling and Open Discussion. https://remarkableresults.biz/

Diagnosing the Aftermarket A to Z with Matt Fanslow: From Diagnostics to Metallica and Mental Health, Matt Fanslow is Lifting the Hood on Life. https://mattfanslow.captivate.fm/

Business by the Numbers with Hunt Demarest: Understand the Numbers of Your Business with CPA Hunt Demarest. https://huntdemarest.captivate.fm/

The Auto Repair Marketing Podcast with Kim and Brian Walker: Marketing Experts Brian & Kim Walker Work with Shop Owners to Take it to the Next Level. https://autorepairmarketing.captivate.fm/

The Weekly Blitz with Chris Cotton: Weekly Inspiration with Business Coach Chris Cotton from AutoFix - Auto Shop Coaching. https://chriscotton.captivate.fm/

Speak Up! Effective Communication with Craig O'Neill: Develop Interpersonal and Professional Communication Skills when Speaking to Audiences of Any Size. https://craigoneill.captivate.fm/

The Aftermarket Radio Network

Remarkable Results Radio Podcast with Carm Capriotto: Advancing the Aftermarket by Facilitating Wisdom Through Story Telling and Open Discussion

Diagnosing the Aftermarket A to Z with Matt Fanslow: From Diagnostics to Metallica and Mental Health, Matt Fanslow is Lifting the Hood on Life.

The Auto Repair Marketing Podcast with Kim and Brian Walker: Marketing Experts Brian & Kim Walker Work with Shop Owners to Take it to the Next Level.

The Weekly Blitz with Chris Cotton: Weekly Inspiration with Business Coach Chris Cotton from AutoFix - Auto Shop Coaching.

Business by the Numbers with Hunt Demarest: Understand the Numbers of Your Business with CPA Hunt Demarest.

Speak Up! Effective Communication with Craig O'Neill: Develop Interpersonal and Professional Communication Skills when Speaking to Audiences of Any Size.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Diagnosing the Aftermarket A to Z
Diagnosing the Aftermarket A to Z
From Automotive Diagnostics to Metallica and Mental Health

About your host

Profile picture for Matt Fanslow

Matt Fanslow

Matt Fanslow is the diagnostic tech/shop manager at Riverside Automotive in Red Wing, MN. His primary responsibilities are to diagnose driveability and electrical/electronic issues, and perform most all programming, coding, initializing, adoptions, etc. Basically, if it needs to be figured out or has wires, it goes to Matt.

He’s been a tech since 1996. Matt is also a subject matter expert for ASE and has instructed at Vision Hi-Tech Training and Expo. Matt has participated on 18 ASE technical committees for the ASE Practice Test, A6, A7, A8, and L1 tests. He’s also done case studies for Standard Motor Products. Fanslow’s goal is to do everything in his power to improve the overall level of professionalism within the automotive and light truck repair trade and also raise the level of its public image.